Prevent spammy form submissions by bots using this Honeypot technique in PHP
September 17, 2020 — In modern web applications, one of the pain points everyone faces at some point is spam submissions to forms by automated bots.
A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
September 17, 2020 — In modern web applications, one of the pain points everyone faces at some point is spam submissions to forms by automated bots.
September 16, 2020 — One of the most prominent changes in Laravel 8 is the (kind of) new way of defining controller routes. Before Laravel 8, if you wanted to define a route, you could do it like so.
September 14, 2020 — In the previous versions of Laravel, up to 7.x, when you wanted to rate limit certain routes, you could do it by assigning the throttle
middleware to the route or group of routes like so.
September 12, 2020 — The model factories in Laravel are a great way of seeding some fake data in the database for testing purposes which I’ve discussed in this article. While the previous implementation was great, Laravel 8 has given model factories a major overhaul and it makes them even better!
September 11, 2020 — Apart from adding support for customizable maintenance mode views, Laravel 8 has also simplified the process of accessing the Laravel application in the maintenance mode.
September 10, 2020 — When you put your Laravel application on maintenance mode using the php artisan down
command, the default view for the same looks like following.
September 9, 2020 — With the release of Laravel 8, you can now render Blade components dynamically using a built-in component called dynamic-component
September 7, 2020 — After writing & publishing articles for about two years (consistently), I’ve sort of created a system when it comes to publishing an article. From ideation to hitting the publish button.
September 4, 2020 — A function in JavaScript is a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value and return it based on the input which is been given to it.
September 3, 2020 — Recently, a prominent member of Laravel community, Dries Vints, has pre-released a pretty exciting open-source project called Blade UI Kit.