Zipping up multiple arrays using array_map in PHP
April 17, 2021 — Little-known features are the best when you find them unknowingly. One such feature I came across recently is of the PHP’s popular array_map function.
A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
April 17, 2021 — Little-known features are the best when you find them unknowingly. One such feature I came across recently is of the PHP’s popular array_map function.
April 17, 2021 — It’s always a good idea to keep a check on the npm packages you have installed in your project/product. Because these packages are ever updating and try to solve the vulnerabilities they have got in them.
April 11, 2021 — The default terminal shell you get in Linux systems is pretty basic and bare-bones. For instance, in Ubuntu, the default shell is GNU Bash and while it can get your job done, it lacks some of the power user features.
April 10, 2021 — Today I learned something new about JavaScript. i.e JavaScript functions can have properties which can be accessed from within the function scope.
April 4, 2021 — If you want to paginate database records in Laravel, you can use the paginate
method on the query builder or an Eloquent query.
April 1, 2021 — Managing the application state in a modern frontend application is hard. But it’s tools like Redux which makes it all breeze for us.
March 30, 2021 — Sometimes, all you would need is to forcefully prevent some of the fields in the request. Essentially, to “prohibit” or ban the fields to be mandatorily empty or not present in the request at all.
March 24, 2021 — If you’re running any sort of blog, it would be really important to interact with your audience. One way to doing this by having a comment system that can enable a visitor on your blog to drop their view and opinions.